Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Response # 4: Five-year-olds Pilot their own Project Learning

First, give your overall impressions of this model of learning. Be observant of how the technology is used as a tool in this kindergarten classroom. What different applications or devices were utilized? What were some ways you saw the teachers using technology with their students? How did this support learning?

After watching this video on how students at Auburn Early Education Center are learning, I was stunned that this isn't how more students are learning and that technology isn't being integrated like this in more classrooms. These five-year-olds were learning writing conventions that I see seven-year-olds in the field learning.

The things that they were learning and the projects that they were engaged in were authentic so students were truly interested and involved in their learning. In the projects they were doing they were using computers and the internet to research about planes and Brazil. The teachers at this center used smart boards in all their classrooms that allowed them to look up anything the children might question with a few taps on a giant board that all students could see. The whiteboards were also used for writing and reading which allowed it to be manipulated by the students so that they were engaged in their learning.

The teachers were making technology available for their students so they could use their curiosity to be the conductor of their own learning by looking up internet resources. Technology allows teachers to let students be responsible for their learning, which makes it more meaningful and a student's retention of new things last longer when they learn through experience, like looking up what controls are needed to make a plane run. With the use of technology teachers are teaching students to be problem solvers rather than running to an adult for an answer. They learn how to discovered the right answer from the teachers. The use of technology in these classroom also made it possible for the teacher to incorporate all content areas into an event that occurred in their classroom, the death of their class pet. Before the use of technology in classroom something like this would not have been possible.

The use of technology in these classroom supported learning because students learned how to discover answers. With technology the teacher was able to show students where and how they can find lots of information they might need. By integrating technology into writing, reading, science and math these teachers were making these students life-long learners because they were learning skills that will continue to support learning. Technology also supported learning through hands-on learning for those learners, the smart-board allowed for students to manipulate their writing for these types of learners too. The smart-board supported those diverse learners that may have visual issues. The use of technology in these classrooms supported learning in many more ways than the average classrooms for
every type of learner

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