Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Response #8: Free write about your final project/ portfolio.

How are you doing? Do you have any specific questions about either project? Please give me an update on your project.

I am happy to say I have almost completed the instructional design project. I've completed my two lessons that both are content focused with technology integrated. I've included assessments in both lessons and one assessment is a rubric. The two lessons I created would fit into a unit on the underground railroad and I feel that they are engaging and would support learning of all styles. The only thing I have left to complete this final project is my overview (which I'll hopefully complete today.)

On my portfolio I've added most of the documents and attachments that I want to use to show how I met the standards. However I need to work on describing each of my projects and how they individually meet each standard. --I would like it if we had time in class to work on these a little, I believe everyone would benefit from it....I think this is an important project that is labor intensive and class time would help ease this task....
My only question for this project would be do we have to have a document/project for every standard?


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